Saturday, 25 July 2009

How to Get Rid of Blackheads on Your Face

How to get rid of blackheads on your face is a common problem for people now a days. I've covered how to get rid of blackheads on your nose in a separate post so I won't go back through that again. So what other areas of the face are generally affected? The forehead and chin mostly. These are frequently found to have blackheads on there due to the excess oil produced by the body. Unlike the nose there aren't specific products created to remove blackheads from your chin and forehead so alternatives have to be found.

One effective method for how to get rid of blackheads on your face is a steam facial. This can be done at home so I guess you could consider it a home remedy for blackhead removal. So how do you setup a steam facial? Firstly boil some water in a pan and remove it from the heat once it reaches a heavy boil. Cover the pan and allow it to cool for 10 to 15 minutes. Add some lemon and tea tree oil to the water and leave the lid off the pan. Get yourself into a comfortable position so that you can hang your head over the pan. Take a towel and put this over your shoulders and behind your head creating a barrier to keep the steam in. This will ensure you get maximum effect from the steam facial. Make sure you don't lean in too much the last thing you want is to burn your skin with the steam and cause irritation to your skin. Do this for 15 minutes and then wash your face with warm water. At this stage I'd advise applying a face mask to properly clean your skin. But! Before you do that make sure you wash your face with cold water which will help to close the pores. Then apply a face mask to help remove blackheads.

The great advantage to this method is of course the cost! It's pretty cheap and doesn't require any fancy equipment or facial scrubs. The whole idea behind the facial is to open up your pores and make removing blackheads all the easier. You could always go to town with it and have a nice relaxing chamomile bath which do wonders for your skin and your mental relaxation. The face wash is used after the steam clean to actually remove the blackheads. Remember never to squeeze blackheads as you could end up with scars. Acne scars are not good and there's absolutely no reason to get them if you follow the techniques on blackhead removal in this blog. Blackheads will only come out when they are good and ready to and squeezing vigorously can damage the surrounding skin and cause much bigger problems. Don't do it folks! This goes for those of you out there who are wondering how to get rid of pimples too!

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

How to Get Rid of Blackheads on your Nose

How to get rid of blackheads on your nose is a common question as it is one of the most likely places you will find blackheads on your skin. Should you use a different treatment for your nose? Is there a particularly successful method of how to get rid of blackheads on your nose compare to other parts of you skin? Well the answer is blackhead removal is pretty much the same no matter which part of the body they appear. What you should never do, however, is squeeze them! Squeezing blackheads can leave you with acne scarring, blackheads are exceptionally bad for this and the skin can even get infected from the sebum released. Many people don't know this and carry on squeezing but if you don't trust me you can always check this with your dermatologist.

Blackheads on your nose does not require any specialist treatment. As I mentioned before, I would always recommend you speak to your dermatologist before trying any home remedies for blackhead removal.

So why do blackheads appear on your nose more frequently than other places? Sadly it's just one of the places that your body produces excess oil. I've always found the best way to treat blackheads on the nose is with the blackhead removal strips you can buy from your local pharmacy. Stick with a name brand such as Biore Pore Perfect Ultra Deep Cleansing Pore Strips which are reasonably priced. Don't worry if you don't see immediate results. It may take two or three applications before you start to see the gunk coming out. It's actually really satisfying when it happens and well worth the wait. These strips are formulated with tea tree oil, menthol and witch hazel, you can feel the strips working as they deep clean, refresh and purify pores. Refreshing indeed! Remember to follow the instructions on the packaging and if you encounter any irritation stop using them immediately.

I'd also recommend you use a exfoliating face wash with cotton swabs to clean up anything that is left over from the blackhead removal strips. I've heard a lot of good things about Clean and Clear Continuous Control Acne Cleanser. I myself haven't tried it but I have read a lot of good reviews about the product. Some may work for you and others may work better it can be trial and error trying to get rid of those pesky blackheads. I'm not sure if they'll ever invent a permanent cure for blackheads but with these methods you can at least stay on top of the problem. If they ever do invent a permanent cure for getting rid of blackheads someones going to be seriously rich! Hopefully I've highlighted one of the best ways of getting rid of blackheads!

If anyone has any suggestions of products they have used and found success with I'd be interested to hear from you. I'd be delighted to share it with the community also. As I said earlier one persons solution won't fit anothers so if we share the knowledge and success stories hopefully more and more of us will get rid of this problem. This is also the case for whiteheads and acne in general, please get in touch if you'd like to share your story or experiences! It's also useful to get some tips on skin care products as I haven't used them all myself. If there's one you love or if its just new on the market write to me and let me know your thoughts. Together we can get rid of those pimples!

One last thing, I recently signed up for Self Improvement from which is another online community which covers skin care and health in general. It's well worth a look folks.

Monday, 13 July 2009

How to Get Rid of Blackheads - Home Remedies

How to get rid of blackheads by using home remedies has become a popular method for dealing with this skin problem. If you find that over the counter methods aren't working then looking at herbal remedies may be an option for you. Blackhead removal can be achieved using a number of home remedies.

Firstly, honey! Hard to believe I know but there are a lot of people out there who have had success using honey. It is in general something that's really good for your skin no matter if its blackheads, whiteheads or general acne. It's best applied when warm (not too warm) to the affected area and then leave it for 10 minutes. Wash it off and you will immediately feel the benefit. Honey acts almost like a natural peel and will get rid of blackheads. It will also leave you skin feeling nice and smooth and looking healthy.

Another home remedy for removing blackheads is baking soda and water. This is what's known as blackhead extraction method. The remedy is to mix equal parts water and baking soda together and then rub on to the skin for 10 minutes. Then wash the mixture off with warm water and you may just find some of your blackheads disappear too.

It seems that home remedies for getting rid of blackheads is endless. Epsom salt and iodine is another possibility! With this, get a bowl and create solution made from salt, iodine and warm water. Then take a cotton wad and soak it in the solution. What you want to do is to dab it on the area containing the blackheads and it will open up your pores. Finally use some sort of facial scrub for actually getting the blackheads out of your skin.

Potatoes is another home remedy for getting rid of blackheads. I'm not sure how well this one works it sounds like a bit of an old wives tale to me. Anyway the theory is you grate one potato and apply it to the affected area. This apparently works for blackheads, whiteheads and any other pimples on your skin.

Sunday, 12 July 2009

How to get rid of blackheads

How to get rid of blackheads is unfortunately becoming a big problem for people out there especially teenagers. There are however a large number of adults out there suffering from the problem. So how can you remove blackheads and stop them from coming back?

Firstly, lets look at what they are and what causes them to appear in your skin. Blackheads are caused by excess oils that have accumulated in the sebaceous gland's duct. These congesting toxins combined with skin oil and sebum clogs your pores causing blackheads and of course those nasty whiteheads too. The are common on the nose and chin but can also frequently appear on the chest and back. The color of the blackhead is not caused by dirt, but by excess skin pigment, debris and skin particles. Blackheads, also known as open comedones, are follicles that have a wider than normal opening. They are filled with plugs of sebum and sloughed-off cells and have undergone a chemical reaction resulting in the oxidation of melanin. This gives the material in the follicle the typical black color and not dirt as widely reported!

When looking at how to treat blackheads over the counter remedies will usually consist of a skin cream containing benzoyl peroxide. Do not get discouraged if you do not notice immediate results. It can take some time for the treatment to work as they tend to focus on stopping the next batch of blackheads from appearing. A dermatologist is definitely worth seeing in more severe case. They may subscribe a course of pills to help remove blackheads from your skin.

A blackhead remover may also be purchased which usually take the form of a strip which is placed on the affected area. It is then removed withdrawing the blackheads from the skin. Vacuum blackhead removers have also came on to the market which have the same effect.