One effective method for how to get rid of blackheads on your face is a steam facial. This can be done at home so I guess you could consider it a home remedy for blackhead removal. So how do you setup a steam facial? Firstly boil some water in a pan and remove it from the heat once it reaches a heavy boil. Cover the pan and allow it to cool for 10 to 15 minutes. Add some lemon and tea tree oil to the water and leave the lid off the pan. Get yourself into a comfortable position so that you can hang your head over the pan. Take a towel and put this over your shoulders and behind your head creating a barrier to keep the steam in. This will ensure you get maximum effect from the steam facial. Make sure you don't lean in too much the last thing you want is to burn your skin with the steam and cause irritation to your skin. Do this for 15 minutes and then wash your face with warm water. At this stage I'd advise applying a face mask to properly clean your skin. But! Before you do that make sure you wash your face with cold water which will help to close the pores. Then apply a face mask to help remove blackheads.
The great advantage to this method is of course the cost! It's pretty cheap and doesn't require any fancy equipment or facial scrubs. The whole idea behind the facial is to open up your pores and make removing blackheads all the easier. You could always go to town with it and have a nice relaxing chamomile bath which do wonders for your skin and your mental relaxation. The face wash is used after the steam clean to actually remove the blackheads. Remember never to squeeze blackheads as you could end up with scars. Acne scars are not good and there's absolutely no reason to get them if you follow the techniques on blackhead removal in this blog. Blackheads will only come out when they are good and ready to and squeezing vigorously can damage the surrounding skin and cause much bigger problems. Don't do it folks! This goes for those of you out there who are wondering how to get rid of pimples too!