How to get rid of blackheads is unfortunately becoming a big problem for people out there especially teenagers. There are however a large number of adults out there suffering from the problem. So how can you remove blackheads and stop them from coming back?
Firstly, lets look at what they are and what causes them to appear in your skin. Blackheads are caused by excess oils that have accumulated in the sebaceous gland's duct. These congesting toxins combined with skin oil and sebum clogs your pores causing blackheads and of course those nasty whiteheads too. The are common on the nose and chin but can also frequently appear on the chest and back. The color of the blackhead is not caused by dirt, but by excess skin pigment, debris and skin particles. Blackheads, also known as open comedones, are follicles that have a wider than normal opening. They are filled with plugs of sebum and sloughed-off cells and have undergone a chemical reaction resulting in the oxidation of melanin. This gives the material in the follicle the typical black color and not dirt as widely reported!
When looking at how to treat blackheads over the counter remedies will usually consist of a skin cream containing benzoyl peroxide. Do not get discouraged if you do not notice immediate results. It can take some time for the treatment to work as they tend to focus on stopping the next batch of blackheads from appearing. A dermatologist is definitely worth seeing in more severe case. They may subscribe a course of pills to help remove blackheads from your skin.
A blackhead remover may also be purchased which usually take the form of a strip which is placed on the affected area. It is then removed withdrawing the blackheads from the skin. Vacuum blackhead removers have also came on to the market which have the same effect.
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