Thursday, 13 August 2009

How to Get Rid of Blackheads on Your Back

How to get rid of blackheads on your back can be a tricky problem because of the area they are located. Blackheads on your back are notoriously hard to reach and in some case see. But if you have a mirror and can see the blackheads on your back or shoulders you want to get rid of them immediately! No one wants clogged up blackhead pores! It’s so tough to get rid of spots and pimples on your back though. I had a look around the Internet to see if there was any useful suggestions out there on how to remove blackheads from your back. I think the funniest was a forum post from someone who claimed their dermatologist told them to ask their wife to squeeze it out. Who said romance was dead? I can just imagine how that conversation would go. I’m not even sure if the dermatologist was serious or not! In any case, it highlights part of the problem with blackheads on your back. Depending on where it is it can be extremely difficult to reach and therefore treat. Forget about using Biore blackhead removal strips, trying to stick something like that to your back yourself would require a few flexible joints and perhaps an extra pair of hands. That takes us back to the before mentioned dermatologist maybe you should just ask your other half to put the Biore blackhead removal strip on for you? For the purpose of this post I’ll assume that everyone’s single and so you have to deal with blackhead removal yourself! This goes for whiteheads and acne but specifically blackheads.

So to the point, what’s the best way to get rid of blackheads on your back especially when you can’t see them or reach them? I have to recommend using a good exfoliating scrub in the shower a few times a week. Don’t just rub it on however make sure you give it a good scrub for a minute or so. Don’t go overboard if your skin is too sensitive for this just do what you can and remember to only do this a couple of times a week. Any more and you could irritate your skin. You can get loofahs for the shower or a hard exfoliator which is great for getting rid of those blackheads and one of the best acne treatments around. It really gets into to your pores and works wonders. The great thing about the loofahs is that you can get them in all shapes and sizes which means they’ll be great for getting to those out of reach places on your back which is one of the big problems. It’s not like you’re trying to get rid of blackheads on your chin here, this is tough! I still wouldn’t recommend squeezing blackheads even on your back. You might think oh its on my back no one will notice but it can still lead to acne scarring which is a much bigger problem. That’s one that you can’t get rid of with a loofahs.

The good thing about treating blackheads on your back is that skin on the back is much thicker and therefore allows for stronger topical treatments, such as ten percent Benzoyl peroxide. There’s absolutely no way you could put something like this on your face. This strength of Benzoyl peroxide is not suitable for other parts of your body such as your face and you would undoubtedly get some skin irritation. This of course should all be discussed with your dermatologist or doctor before going down the medical route. You could always try the home remedies for getting rid of blackheads on your back. It would be a good idea to try the baking soda mixture or green tea mixture on your back get rid of the blackheads. You could use the loofah to give it a good scrubbing once it has stayed on your skin for a few minutes.

There are some differences in back acne and acne located elsewhere on the body however as research has shown it doesn’t have anything to do with the food you eat. It’s more likely to be down to genetics or your body type which is more prone to back acne and getting blackheads on your back. I do however believe you can deal with them if you follow the steps above. A good exfoliating scrub and loofah is a terrific way to get rid of blackheads on your back.

Get rid of Blackheads, Acne and Pimples On Your Penis

How to get rid of blackheads on your penis can be quite an embarrassing problem especially if you’re currently seeing someone! Don’t be embarrassed about it though guys, it can happen to everyone and there are ways to get rid of blackheads and pimples on your penis. It's not any different from blackheads or acne on any other parts of your body. Skin is just skin and good skin care is the same for each part of your body. I know it’s something that guys don’t like to talk about but it’s really not such a big deal. It’s a perfectly natural reaction that your body is taking and has little to do with personal hygiene or lack of. First things first though. It may not be a blackhead it could simply be an ingrown hair in that area. This is far more common than getting blackheads or pimples on your penis. So before you go reaching for the blackhead removal tool make sure that is what you’re dealing with and not an ingrown hair which is entirely different thing altogether. I would absolutely 100% recommend you go to a doctor about this first as this is one area you don’t want to be using home remedies for getting rid of blackheads. The doctor will also be able to confirm what it is exactly that you’re dealing with. Is it actually a blackhead or is it simply because of the irritation of hair follicles.

Your doctor will no doubt recommend that you don’t wear constricting clothing because these may lead to the stimulation of perspiration that could make the problem worse. So if you’re a fan of tight underwear it’s time to start wearing boxers! At least until the blackhead or acne problem has cleared up. The doctor may prescribe you with some medication to take orally, which will help your skin. I have to repeat again I know there are tons of blackhead removal tools, creams, exfoliators and Biore removal strips out there but they should not, I repeat not be used on your penis! If you look up some of the other sites for getting rid of blackheads on your penis you’ll actually find people recommending you use alcohol wipes on your genitals! This is just crazy and goes to show you can’t believe everything your read on the Internet. But we knew that anyway right? Much the same as blackheads on other parts of your body you should never squeeze the pimples on there. Acne on your penis is a little different and could lead to infection quicker than other parts of your body so you must not squeeze the blackheads or acne no matter how desperately you want to get rid of them. Make an appointment for your doctor and take his or her advice. If you have more of a bump on your penis you may have picked up some sort of sexually transmitted infection and so again please visit your doctor to get the best medical advice possible.

Good hygiene always helps with these matters so ensure you wash yourself properly in the genital area. Getting rid of blackheads or acne on your penis is not restricted to good hygiene but taking showers regularly and ensure you scrub the affected area can only help the processing of how to get rid of pimples an acne on your penis and staying healthy.

Saturday, 8 August 2009

How to Get Rid of Blackheads on Your Forehead

How to get rid of blackheads on your forehead can be quite an embarrassing problem as the blackheads are there for everyone to see. Forget about squeezing blackheads here as you could end up with scarring and big red blotches all over your forehead. Acne scarring is a problem you absolutely don't want to have to deal with! There are a few ways you can get rid of blackheads on your forehead however. Some are home remedies and others you will have to pay for but you can try the home remedies first to see what works for you. If they do, then great it hasn't cost you anything.

A lot of people have had success using honey to treat their blackheads so it could be used to remove blackheads on your forehead. You can add honey to your forehead and leave it for 10 minutes and then remove it with a warm cloth. The idea is that honey will stick to the blackheads and be removed when you wipe away the honey. They should come away fairly easily and no squeezing should be required. An even more effective way of doing this is to give yourself a steam facial which I covered on how to remove blackheads from your face. You basically boil some water and allow the steam to work it's magic on your skin. You can do this with the honey on your face and this will open up your pores and let the honey remove the blackheads from your forehead when you wipe it off.

Other people have found success by using baking soda and warm water and applying this to your skin. This technique would be ideal for your forehead and could potentially leave you with acne free skin without blackheads. The whole idea here is to open up your pores to make the blackhead removal easier. This is another home remedy for getting rid of blackheads.

How to get rid of blackheads on your forehead can be made much easier by using an exfoliating facial scrub from your local pharmacy. This should be used twice a week as part of your skin care routine. Ideally, use it in the shower where the steam will also aid the blackhead removal and you can pay particular attention to your forehead. Remember to get a good face cloth to help you scrub your skin and leave it feeling soft, smooth and acne free.

Biore also produce blackhead removal strips that can be used on your forehead and you will of course have to pay for these at your local pharmacy. They do seem to be the best option and again could be used in conjunction with a facial steaming which will open your pores first and make the Biore facial strips more effective in getting rid of blackheads on your skin. Sometimes you're able to get free trials of the facial strips before you actually have to buy them. You can always check this with your dermatologist as they may be able to provide you with samples to see if it's suitable way to get rid of blackheads for your skin.

Sunday, 2 August 2009

How to Get Rid of Blackheads in Ears

How to get rid of blackheads in your ears is another difficult place for blackhead removal. Due to the shape of the ear it can be quite tricky to remove blackheads from this area. It can also be quite difficult to detect so I hope you have some good friends out there who might be able to tell you about it before someone else notices! This of course is part of the problem with blackheads it's a bit of a social stigma having them. People tend to think they occur due to a person not cleaning their skin properly but as I discussed in a previous post it's not actually dirt that is contained in blackheads. The color of the oil makes it look black and like dirt. So if you see someone with blackheads don't judge them either remember it has nothing to do with dirt. I've covered various home remedies for removing blackheads in a previous post but some of the techniques could be used when wondering how to get rid of blackheads in your ears.

The best advice I can give is to use a good cleanser in your ears and make it part of your every day routine when you're taking a shower. It's much the same with trying to get rid of bad acne, prevention is the key. Make sure to give you ears a good clean as this is a place where oil build up is quite prominent. If you work it into your daily routine getting rid of blackheads in your ears should be quite straight forward. If you find it too tricky in the shower then use a cotton bud and dab the cleanser on there. The cotton bud/ q tip will give you much more precision when applying the cleanser and you may find you have more success with this method. You could always look in to buying a blackhead removal tool some of which have special functions for using in your ear. Remember to never put this in your ear however you may do yourself some damage!

I don't think any of the home remedies I've come across so far would be suitable for getting rid of blackheads in your ear. The ear is quite a delicate instrument so you have to be careful with anything you put near it. Going back to the blackhead removal tool mentioned earlier you have to be extremely careful with this.

You could dip a clean Q-tip into the salicylic acid gel. Apply the gel onto the blackheads at least once a day. Salicylic acid is a chemical exfoliant that breaks down dirt and oil to unclog pores which helps to remove blackheads. Then use a facial scrub to finish off the process in your ear. Leave the facial scrub on your ear for about a minute to let the ingredients work then rinse it off. Repeat this once a day to get rid of blackheads in your ears. As always some peoples skin might be receptive to certain techniques than others so if any irritation occurs stop the cycle immediately. If you don't notice results immediately stick with it as it may take a few days or even weeks to stop the blackheads from coming back.